Created: 10/04/2011
By: Arnaud Lemercier
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Installation is very simple, just copy the file simpleauth.php at the root of your website.
With SimpleAuth, you can secure any web page. To do this you must:
<?php ${(require_once('SimpleAuth.php'))}->protectme(); ?>
Warning, there should be no line breaks or no space before the code
To help you, look at this example:
To configure users, you must open the file SimpleAuth.php
Then, simply edit the list of current users using the same logic
Trying to create a new login "administrator"with a new password and delete the demo accounts
You can now try connecting to your secure page
You can add a link to disconnect the user
For this is very simple, just make a link to the current page with the action "logout"
<a href="?simple_auth_action=logout">Logout</a>
If you want, you can redirect the user after logout
Redirect to the current folder (relative):
<?php ${(require_once('SimpleAuth.php'))}->protectme(array( 'logoutPage' => './' )); ?>
Redirect to the root (absolute) :
<?php ${(require_once('SimpleAuth.php'))}->protectme(array( 'logoutPage' => '/' )); ?>
Redirect to a specifique page (absolute) :
<?php ${(require_once('SimpleAuth.php'))}->protectme(array( 'logoutPage' => '/client/news/' )); ?>
Redirect to an external page (absolute) :
<?php ${(require_once('SimpleAuth.php'))}->protectme(array( 'logoutPage' => '' )); ?>
You can also edit SimpleAuth.php to configure redirection for All pages :
// Allowed Users List
'allowedUsers' => NULL,
// The page will be displayed after logout
'logoutPage' => ''
If you are in a secure page, you can display the user login
You can place this line to the place you want it to display the login of the user logged :
<?php echo $simpleAuthInstance->getLogin(); ?>
You can allow access to a page to certain users only. Use the "allowedUsers" option
<?php ${(require_once('SimpleAuth.php'))}->protectme(array( 'allowedUsers' => array('admin', 'client1') )); ?>
You can allow access to a page to certain groups of users only. Use the "allowedGroups" option
<?php ${(require_once('SimpleAuth.php'))}->protectme(array( 'allowedGroups' => array('editor', 'administrator') )); ?>
// Locale for translation
'locale' => 'EN',
// Allow user to change locale
'localeSwitcher' => true,
You can add custom information about your users.
For example, you can add 3 new fieds (phone, email, skype) for 2 users ( and admin)
You can retrieve information with the following code :
Phone : <?php echo $simpleAuthInstance->getMetas("phone");?>
Email : <?php echo $simpleAuthInstance->getMetas("email");?>
Arnaud Lemercier