Parameter steps.position | iGuider Product Tour

Position of message.
It may take the values: "auto", "center" or positioning code: "xxx"

"auto" - The plugin automatically choose the best position out of 36 available to display a tour's message (default)

"center" - The message is displayed in the center of screen and no element is highlighted. The parameter "name" in this case is not required!

"xxx" - Code which indicates the position of the window with the message

tll, tlc, tlr, tcl, tcc, tcr, trl, trc, trr, rtt, rtc, rtb, rct, rcc, rcb, rbt, rbc, rbb, brr, brc, brl, bcr, bcc, bcl, blr, blc, bll, lbb, lbc, lbt, lcb, lcc, lct, ltb, ltc, ltt

"xxx" - First Symbol: The position of message a relatively selected item.
It may take the values: t (top),r (right),b (bottom),l (left)

"xxx" - Second Symbol: The position of corner a relatively selected item.
a) if first symbol is "l" or "r" it may take the values:t (top), c (center),b (bottom);
b) if first symbol is "t" or "b" it may take the values:l (left), c (center),r (right);

"xxx" - Third Symbol: The position of the window with a message a relatively coner.
a) if first symbol is "l" or "r" it may take the values:t (top), c (center),b (bottom);
b) if first symbol is "t" or "b" it may take the values:l (left), c (center),r (right);

Start Tour

Element 1 Element 2 Element 3
