Free Sliding Contact Form Script that allows you to add a scrolling feedback button on your website. The Sliding Contact Form provides users with the quickest and less distractible way to contact you immediately when a question pops in mind. 

The Sliding Contact Form /Feedback button/ is located at the right side of the web page and when clicked a contact form pops up right away allowing users to contact you without even leaving the page.

1) Download and unzip the script package.

2) Upload the script on your server.

3) Edit form.php file and set your email address, where message will be received, and email subject in the following lines:

define('_EMAIL_TO', '');
define('_EMAIL_FROM', '');
define('_EMAIL_SUBJECT', 'Contact Form');

4) Open the example web page index.html using any web browser.

To load the form on another web page just add the following code before closing the <body> tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="embed.js"></script>