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Our team of personal trainers are keen to show you how they can make a difference to you.

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Fitness courses in personal training

Functional Fitness

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Individual Class

Sometimes by accident Various versions have evolved over the years sometimes on purpose.


Evolved over the years various versions have sometimes by accident the years various versions.


Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose.

#1 Fitness

personal Trainer

8 years exeprinced Personal Trainer, Body Conditioning instructor within the City and Central London.

I am currently a Personal Trainer at the Brand New Kensington Lesuire Centre situated close to latimer road Underground station with sessions within the gym.

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Fitness Pricing Packages

Fitness #1


10 Weeks

  • Assigned Trainer
  • Functional Fitness
  • Individual class
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Fitness #2


15 Weeks

  • Assigned Trainer
  • Functional Fitness
  • Easy Cancelation Policy
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Fitness #3


25 Weeks

  • Assigned Trainer
  • Free Fitness Assesment
  • Easy Cancelation Policy
Start now


Michel Huffman


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Experinced &
Educated Trainers

Brook Nerthon

Pilates Trainer

Tanya Sathra

Yoga Trainer

Nisha Mecwan

Functonal Trainer

Success Story

"I like functional fitness especially for its levels of difficulties, and the varying strength and cardiovascular exercises that are involved. I am in my third month of functional fitness bootcamp and have never been more motivated!"

Lisa Ray

"Highly professional and exceptionally trained instructors and staff, options for intense or relaxing classes and a serene environment.A beautiful oasis of calm in the city with professional, personable instructors."

Mansi D'slave

"I like functional fitness especially for its levels of difficulties, and the varying strength and cardiovascular exercises that are involved. I am in my third month of functional fitness bootcamp and have never been more motivated!"

Lisa Ray

"Highly professional and exceptionally trained instructors and staff, options for intense or relaxing classes and a serene environment.A beautiful oasis of calm in the city with professional, personable instructors."

Mansi D'slave

"I like functional fitness especially for its levels of difficulties, and the varying strength and cardiovascular exercises that are involved. I am in my third month of functional fitness bootcamp and have never been more motivated!"

Lisa Ray

"Highly professional and exceptionally trained instructors and staff, options for intense or relaxing classes and a serene environment.A beautiful oasis of calm in the city with professional, personable instructors."

Mansi D'slave

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